Hi, My Name is Frankie

Hi 👋🏻🐾

My name is Frankie!

I’m an energetic and playful five-year-old Boston Terrier. My all-time favourite activities are swimming at the beach, chasing sticks/balls/toys, or anything else that’s around really. I also love running through puddles – the muddier the better – although Mum doesn’t like it when I do that!

After fun-filled mornings of activities I like nothing more than a good cuddle on the couch (only after a bath, of course). Sometimes after Mum has gone to sleep, I also sneak up onto the bed for a cuddle at night too. Better go, it’s time for my walk now!

Love, Frankie.

Review from Mum

“I own a five-year-old Boston Terrier, Frankie. She’s a very energetic dog so I try to take her out for walks, swims and runs as often as I can but of course that means she’s in constant need of a bath. I live in an apartment and she is an indoor dog so it’s important she is always clean and smells nice. The My Best Mate shampoo and conditioner are great! They smell nice and natural. The shampoo foams up really well and you don’t have to use a whole lot of it so a bottle lasts a long time. The conditioner left her coat feeling super smooth and soft. Because I have to wash Frankie so often I really like that the My Best Mate products are formulated with natural products so they are gentle on coats.”

– Alison Steele

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