While the name is synonymous with our cat friends, Catmate isn’t only for felines, dogs love it too!
Here at Proviro Group we are delighted to hear how both big and small dogs are enjoying Catmate for their indoor toileting routine. Yes, you can teach your dog to use a litter tray! For many living within apartments, units or town houses, dogs around Australia have learnt how to go just like their cat friends in a litter box or tray.

Historically, cat litter was designed for use by, well, cats (hence the name) and was invented by the businessman, Edward Lowe. While it has been used by cats for many years, the reasons for training a dog to use litter has become more important and is gaining popularity each year.

While dogs generally do their business outdoors when they go for walks or a run around the yard, there are times when they may not be able to do this or have the space. Training dogs to use a litter tray helps to avoid accidents in the house, ensures that your dog is not left in discomfort without any toileting facilities, and provides you with peace of mind even when you are not home.

Here’s some tips to train your dog to use a litter box:

STEP 1 Set up

Decide on the best tray for your dog based on its size. Place a fine layer of cat litter in the bottom of the tray. To contain the mess, you don’t want the litter to be as high as the sides of the crate tray.

STEP 2 Introduce

Wait until your dog has to go. Your dog will show you he needs to go by barking or going to the door as he may normally do to head outside. Or you can wait until he wakes up or about 10 minutes after meals to introduce his new litter box.

STEP 3 Welcome in

Walk your dog over to his new litter box and use command words you may have taught him when you were house training him to go outside. If you are just now house training him for the first time, these key phrases will be something like ‘let’s go to the toilet or ‘do you need to go wee wee?’

STEP 4 Place him in litter

Place your dog in the cat litter. Depending on your dog’s size, you might not be able to pick him up and take him in there; just walk him over and gently guide him or coax him by following a treat at the tip of his nose into the box. The whole time you’re walking him into the box use the key phrases he associates with going to the toilet.

STEP 5 Success

If your dog goes to this new space and actually uses the litter box to go, celebrate with a treat and some verbal praise. Don’t be too loud in your celebration while your dog is in the litter box because you don’t want to scare him and make him feel as if he did something wrong.

STEP 6 Redirect

If your dog has indoor accidents just redirect him in the moment or when you return home. Take him to the litter box, remind him what the box is for, and treat him afterward.

STEP 7 Practice

Whether you are house training your dog for the first time or retraining him to use a litter box instead of going outside, remember practice and patience makes perfect. You are going to have to take the time to show him and remind him where his litter box is. Always reward a job well done and redirect an accident.

So why Catmate litter for dogs? It is always worth investing in a high-quality litter because it will not only be more appealing for your dog, but can help to control odours, keep your house clean, and may need changing less frequently because of its more absorbent nature.
Catmate is the right choice for all your four-legged family members – it’s better for your pet and the planet!
We’d love to see your pics of your dogs using Catmate. Share them with us on our socials.

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